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We'll keep you up to date with Mark and what's new on the site!

23rd December 2002
IT'S CHRIIIIIIISTMAAAAAAAS!!!! Posted by James the Webby
Just to wish everybody a very merry Christmas and Mark and Badger hope to see you all down at the old bull and bush... or failing that the 'Stupid Cow' in Lewisham tomorrow night (Christmas Eve) for fun and boll- I mean frolicks!
    Be there or another Clash member gets it.
    Thanks, god bless and upyourflaps.
    Oh and, coming soon... More photos than you can wave a stick at. Keep your face
        --> HERE <--

13th December 2002
SNOOOOW!!!! Posted by James the Webby
Wow, has it really been that long since the last update? Perhaps I should stop ignoring Mark so much...
    We're back on track with 6 new sounds! This time from the last Virgin show, a few of them featuring the voice of Badger, and I'll try to get some with Nick for next week... And if you hadn't noticed, there's a few pics from Steve, umm... That's about it, so get your fat arse down to the sounds page.

24th November 2002
MARK FOX... IN A PUB? Posted by James the Webby
Well, that makes a change... but this time he's doing something other than getting pissed off his arse! (Replace 'other' with 'as well as')
    Mark Fox has got himself a couple of gigs at The Spotted Cow in Lewisham (is that pronounced Lewis-ham or Lewi-sham, I just don't know.) No, it's not radio, but if you want to meet the man himself, you can do just that this Christmas Eve and New Years Eve at this 'spit 'n sawdust 'come as u r' east end right knees-up cockney bit of a laff establishment' as Mark puts it. Click here for more details.

And some other updates while we're here, watch Steve's latest production, Jaw of The Worlds, and some of his new pics are down the sides of this page or in the Photo Album.

15th November 2002
THIS WEEK'S UPDATE Posted by James the Webby
Far from being the regular 6 new sounds that you've grown to know and love over the last 2 weeks, this week you can enjoy the sights and sounds of Steve's latest 2 creations, a quick Mark Fox comic strip and the fantastic new Brussel Sprout Song Video!!
    You can see them now by clicking the links above, or visiting the newly named Fun page!
    And I suggest you do that, right now.

8th November 2002
6 MORE NEW SOUNDS! Posted by James the Webby
Six brand new sounds! Newer than the world's ever seen! And I'll probably go on doing 6 new sounds a week until I run out of tapes. Once again they're shoved on the Sounds Page.

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